Westbound Wiki


Poets Society VIII
Hair Affair, Poets Society IXFancy Footwork
Release Date: October 28, 2014
Number of Pickaxes: 7-13
Minimum Amount of Time to Uncover Items in the Canyon: 25:00:00
Quest Structures Uncovered and Built:
Gem Assayer
Catalogue Items Purchased, Built, or Planted:
Structures and Collectables Needed:
What the Colors Mean:
Quest Dialog Old Mine Instructions River Raft Instructions Quest Instructions Quest Completion Dialog and Reward
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QUEST: Gemstone Study[]

Ms. Emma: Little Norma Jean has found a rich deposit of gems in our canyon! It's nigh time we studied their properties, I say.
Follow Emma to the canyon!

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 2
Begin building an assayer's office.

Tap the area to clean.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Norma Jean: Cain't we just wear 'em instead, Miss? They're more fun ta play with than jest look at!
“Charity would agree, Norma!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Dark Despise[]

Ms. Emma: I believe I've forgotten my microscope down in the mine, friend!

Will you accompany me? I know it is rather illogical, but I do despise the dark!

Accompany Emma to the Old Mine.

Tap the Old Mine to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Retrieve Emma's microscrope.

Tap the Microscope to Collect. (1x)

Ms. Emma: What's the microscope for, you ask?

Why, investigating gem minutiae, of course!

“That's a solid strata-gem, Emma!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Brain & Brawn[]

Carson: Blazes, what's a lil' thing such as yerself doin' luggin' that huge microscope around!

Here, set it on down 'n let me help ya out. It's tha least I could do.

Help Carson build the assayer's office.

Tap the Gem Assayer to Upgrade.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Carson: I may not be a man 'a science, but I'll be durned if I weren't raised right to recognize a woman in need!
“Carson is a real gem-tleman!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Mine Motherlode[]

Gus: I cain't hardly believe the prospectin' luck we've been havin' lately!

I've got a hunch there's a treasure hidden down in the mine. Keep yer head down and yer eyes peeled!

Search the Old Mine for more gems!

Tap the Old Mine to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Retrieve the precious gems.

Tap the Precious Gems to Collect. (1x)

Gus: Woohoo, would'ja look at that!

What a find, pard! Jest wait 'til Miss Emma sees this!

“Did they locate lucky lapis lazuli?”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Amethysts Analyzed[]

Ms. Emma: These gemological specimens are marvelous, Gus! I will begin analyzing them at once.
Analyze the precious gems with Emma!

Tap the Gem Assayer to Upgrade.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 08:00:00
Gus: Just 'atween you and me, my gold tooth's been hintin' at an e'en bigger find in them hills. But don't tell no one!
“If Emma had a computer, she could just downlode information!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Foolish Fishers[]

Outlaws: Bill, were you even takin' notes while eavesdroppin'?

Sure I was, Emmett! He said, "There's an e'en bigger find in them gills!" To the river, then! We'll make our fortune at last!

Help the Blackjack Brothers fish for treasure.

Tap the River Raft to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Retrieve the diamond ring.

Tap the Diamond Ring to Collect. (1x)

Outlaws: This is our best plan yet! They'll never suspect that the gemstones were merely a ruse to eavesdrop information!
“Who lost their diamond ring?!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Hard Way, The Harlan Way[]

Marshall Harlan: Ahem... gentlemen? I've received a tip that you are in possession of stolen property.

Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way...

Help the Marshal repossess the stolen ring!

Tap the Gem Assayer to Upgrade.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Outlaws: Drat, we've been foiled again! At least we used our fake gemstones, right Bill?

... Right, Bill?!

“Believe me, you lost more than foil that time, Emmett!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Great Pink Diamond[]

Gus: Them Blackjack Brothers don't bother me none!

My gold tooth is tellin' me that we're sittin' on a real motherlode this time, and it ain't been wrong before. To the canyon!

Follow Gus to the canyon.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 2
Unearth the great pink diamond!

Tap the Great Pink Diamond to Collect. (1x)

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 03:00:00
Gus: WHOAZA! It's bigger'n you 'n me put together! We done did it this time, whippersnapper!
“Gus thinks you're a real gem, you know!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Suspicious Specimen[]

Gus: Miss Emma, I think you'll be needin' a bigger microscope fer this'n!
Help Gus bring the great pink diamond into the assayer's office.

Tap the Gem Assayer to Finish.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 06:00:00
Ms. Emma: My goodness! That is truly the largest diamond specimen I have seen in all my days!

Though I do wonder why my previous tests did not reveal anything of this sort...

“Emma should've used a macroscope!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Great Pink Poser[]

Ms. Emma: After some consideration, I am ready to begin an analysis of the great diamond. To the microscope!
Wait with Gus for Emma's assay results to come in.

Tap the Gem Assayer to Harvest. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ms. Emma: I have some bad news, Gus: the great pink diamond is in fact a synthetic fake!

However, its maker was incredibly skilled, having likely honed their craft in none other than... El Dorado!

“Fake gems! A real ring! El Dorado?! The mystery deepens!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

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