Westbound Wiki

Play Away


Our Journey Begins
Release Date: August 11, 2014
Number of Pickaxes: 6-14
Gold to Buy the House: 75 (Please see How To Play an LE Without Spending Gold)
Minimum Amount of Time to Uncover Items in the Canyon: 10:15:00
Quest Structures Uncovered and Built:
Piano Player
Catalogue Items Purchased, Built, or Planted:
Pumpkin, Picnic House
Structures and Collectables Needed:
Molly's House, Ranch Well
What the Colors Mean:
Quest Dialog Old Mine Instructions Quest Instructions Quest Completion Dialog and Reward
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QUEST: Musical Damsel[]

Ruby Mae: I reckon it's time we had some music here! Friend, would be so kind as to grab me a light snack and we'll get to work?
Get some Pumpkins!

Order Pumpkins from the Catalogue under Crops. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Imagine if we had music to accompany our agricultural endeavors? I do so enjoy singing while I plant!
“How to do you keep a pumpkin in check? Be on gourd!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Magic Music[]

Ruby Mae: Have you ever heard of a player piano, friend? It is nigh unto magic, because... it plays itself!
Find the perfect area for the Player Piano

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 2
Clear the debris.

Tap the area to Clear.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 00:15:00
Ruby Mae: A player piano is perfect for dancing, too, because you don't even need someone to play it!
“Ruby knows the key to playing piano!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Clean and Burn[]

Ruby Mae: Goodness, this ole piano is dirtier than a lonesome cowpoke! Let's look for something to clean the muck off!
Search the Old Mine for some lye soap.

Tap the Old Mine to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Gather the lye soap!

Tap the Lye Soap to Collect.

Ruby Mae: Land sakes, this lye soap is strong!

Careful you don't burn yourself on it, friend! This will take the grease off a pig for sure.

“You can tune a piano but you can't tuna-fish!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: A Dance, Perchance?[]

Ruby Mae: Let us get this piano cleaner than a whistle, friend! I cannot wait to dance the waltz with - well, with someone!
Scrub the Player Piano clean!

Tap the Player Piano to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 01:00:00
Ruby Mae: I have a hankering for a good old-fashioned Southern dance! I reckon this piano will really spice things up out here!
“If you chop up an old piano, you get a cord of wood.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: The Dog Can Clog[]

Ruby Mae: Perhaps Miss Molly would like to learn to dance? I was renowned in my hometown for my skill!
Teach Molly to dance!

Tap Molly's House to Harvest. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Imagine once we have music! Friend, this here town will be popping in two shakes of a lamb's tail!
“To climb to the top of a tall piano, you must scale it.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Get The Set[]

Ruby Mae: Even if we ain't got a pianist, we need to have a bench! A piano without a bench just looks off, friend!
Search Old Mine for piano bench.

Tap the Old Mine to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Gather the piano bench.

Tap the Piano Bench to Collect.

Ruby Mae: Everyone knows you cannot purchase anything but matched sets! Every good Southern Belle knows that.
“What do you call a piano prodigy? A sharp minor.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Aesthetic Trick[]

Ruby Mae: Some may deem this piano bench unnecessary, but I have always held the look of things to be most important!
Keep building the Player Piano.

Tap the Piano Player to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 02:00:00
Ruby Mae: See, friend? Doesn't this bench make the piano look even better?

I reckon a piano without a bench is far odder than one without a player!

“What does a Steinway? 800 pounds!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Born To Adorn[]

Ruby Mae: Every beautiful thing must have some adornment! I reckon adding some stained glass to the piano would make it real proper!
Search the Old Mine for stained glass.

Tap the Canyon to Explore.

This is really the Old Mine

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Gather the stained glass.

Tap Stained Glass to Collect.

Ruby Mae: It's high time we brought some glitter and sparkle to our canyon! This stained glass should add a nice touch to the piano!
“What makes a piano laugh? Tickling its ivories!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Clean And Pristine[]

Ruby Mae: Dear me, these stained glass pieces do look rather cloudy, don't they?

Perhaps we should find some water to give them a quick polish!

Get some water to clean with!

Tap the Ranch Well to Harvest. (2x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Nothing about me says lick and a promise! When I want something cleaned, it is PRISTINE!
“What do you get when a piano drops on an army camp? A flat major!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Refinish And Refurbish[]

Ruby Mae: We're made proper progress, friend! Join me to keep assembling this marvelous piano!
Continue building the Player Piano.

Tap the Player Piano to Build.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 03:00:00
Ruby Mae: Whew! I'm tuckered out already! I'm going to be going to bed with the chickens tonight, I reckon!
“Never date a piano player! They string you along.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Mystery Accessory[]

Ruby Mae: Land sakes! We cannot forget the playin' mechanism! How else am I supposed to have some music to shake a leg to?
Search the Old Mine for playing mechanism.

Tap the Old Mine to Explore.

# of Pickaxes to find Item for this Quest: 1 - 3
Gather the mechanism.

Tap Playing Mechanism to Collect.

Ruby Mae: My! How you you reckon this thing works? Never you mind, as long as it's playing music, we don't need to take care!
“Why was the pianist arrested? He got into treble.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Shoes In Twos[]

Ruby Mae: Once we add this playing mechanism to the piano, it will be ready to play non stop! I am so terribly excited!
Finish the Player Piano.

Tap the Player Piano to Finish.

Amount of Time to Complete Quest: 04:00:00
Ruby Mae: Now we can go hog wild with our dancing shoes! Shake a leg with me, friend!
“What do you call a fish musician? A piano tuna.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Picnic Frolic[]

Ruby Mae: Everyone knows dancing makes your belly more empty than a jug of ale at a BBQ! Let's get a picnic house for refreshments.
Get a Picnic House!

Order Picnic House from the Catalogue under Houses. (1x)

2 (Optional) # of Gold Bars to Skip this Quest to skip
Ruby Mae: Yes, friend, I think it is high time we took to dancing, don't you agree?
“What does a pianist dream about? Sheet music.”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

QUEST: Midnight Socialite[]

Ruby Mae: Let's not let our mouths overwhelm our tales! Enough gabbing - let's get to dancing!
Harvest the Player Piano.

Tap the Player Piano to Harvest.

Ruby Mae: Oh, I do so love a country dance! This piano doesn't skip a beat between songs, so we can dance all night without pausing!
“What has 88 keys but no locks? A piano!”
REWARD Silver med: 100 Xp med: 25

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